Tuesday, September 12, 2017

10 years from now . . .

   In 10 years how do I see my self? The future is bright but you make it bright by when you plan it out. What I see my self is traveling the world and being either a therapist or a physician. I will be living downtown with my friend. I will also be having a beach house were I can chill over my break. I am going to have a lot of money. I want to accomplish donating money to a charity and help people around the world who needs it. I want to volunteer and help a nonprofit organization and build houses for orphaned children in Mexico, South America and all over the world. These are some of my plans and goals I want to accomplish in ten years.


  1. I hope you do what you want to do because your plans sound amazing! Also sounds like a great life:)

  2. I like what you said in the beginning about the future being bright if you make it that way it's very inspiring and cute๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ˜‡

  3. Can I come to your beach house? It sounds great! Also, I love that you want to volunteer and help others. That is very inspiring! Thanks for sharing.

  4. We could live in a beach house together and be beach blog buddies. lol :)
